Grading system of Beihang University
The corresponding relationship between marking systems in the Beihang University fbr the undergraduate:
百分制课程成绩 The score in Hundred-mark system |
五级制成绩 The score in Five-level System |
两级制成绩 The score in Two-level System |
90-100 |
优(A; Excellent) |
通过<P;Pass) |
80-89 |
良(B;Good) |
70-79 |
中(C; Fair) |
60-69 |
及格(P; Pass) |
<60 |
不及格(F;Fail) |
未通过(N;Nopass) |
1、 百分之课程绩点=4-3X(100-X)2/1600
(60<=X<=100),其中X为课程百分制分数,100分绩点为4, 60分绩点为1, 60分以下绩点为0;
2、 五级制课程绩点对应:4(优秀),3.5(良好),2.8(中等),1.7(及格),0(不及格);
3、 两级制:通过/不通过,不计入GPA,但计入总学分。
Grading Point Average (GPA) = sum of course credit points/sum of course credits. (Course credit point = course grade point^course credit)
1.Course grade point for 100-gradc systcm=4-3 x (100-X)2/1600(60^X^ 100). X means the grade out of the 100-grade system. 100 grades = grade point 4, 60 grades = grade point 1, grades below 60 = giade point 0;
2.Five-scale system: 4 (A:Excellent); 3.5 (B:Good); 2.8 (C:Fair); 1.7 (P: Pass); 0 (F:Fail);
3.Two-scale system: P:(60-100);N(0-59);not included in GPA, but in total credits.…